Thiessen Art Services offers professional installation of your new acquisition or existing art collection. With 25 years of experience, our team ensures the best care and quality in the business.
Thiessen Art Services offers professional installation of your new acquisition or existing art collection. With 25 years of experience, our team ensures the best care and quality in the business.
Our installers work collaboratively or follow plans as requested, to present your artworks in the exact way you’d like. We fabricate custom hardware to accommodate any unique installation needs.
Whether it is in a home, in the office or in a shared space, if you have art that needs installing – Thiessen art services will provide the upmost in customer service and technical skill.
Let our team help you place all your works in the ideal spaces. We will take the time to make sure everything is staged perfectly to give you a clear picture of the results.
Let our team help you place all your works in the ideal spaces. We will take the time to make sure everything is staged perfectly to give you a clear picture of the results.
Our installers, work, efficiently, but take the upmost care of ensuring your work are secure for years to come. We bring all the tools we may need to cover any need.
Once our team is complete, they will tour you through the space and confirm every piece is exactly how you would like.
Our installers, work, efficiently, but take the upmost care of ensuring your work are secure for years to come. We bring all the tools we may need to cover any need.
Once our team is complete, they will tour you through the space and confirm every piece is exactly how you would like.